Search State Program Report (SPR) Projects

The State Program Report (SPR) is a reporting tool used by the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. territories, and the freely associated states for the IMLS Grants to States program. This program is the largest source of federal funding support for library services in the U.S. Using a population based formula, funds are distributed among the State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) every year and ultimately support around 1,500 projects. These include statewide initiatives and services, and SLAAs may also distribute the funds through competitive subawards to, or cooperative agreements with, public, academic, research, school, or special libraries or consortia (for-profit and federal libraries are not eligible).

The tools available here will allow you to search or browse these annual IMLS Grants to States projects, which describe how the funds were spent and what kinds of library services they supported. Users can search by state or fiscal year, and can filter search results by fields such as who the grant served, partners, and type of library involved. Please note that these are two-year awards that are reported after the period of performance; for example, funds distributed in Fiscal Year 2022 were not reported until the beginning of calendar year 2024. See the IMLS Grants to States program overview for more information.

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