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G2S Project Code: 2020-VI-86952
State: Virgin Islands
Fiscal Year: 2020

Project Director
Director Name: Amypatrice Parker DeSorbo
Director Phone: 3405137525
Director Email:
General Information
Title: Books On Wheels
State Project Code:
Start Date: 10/01/2019
End Date: 09/30/2021
Abstract: Of the approximately 111,000 persons living in the Virgin Islands, according to the Virgin Islands Department of Health, The Virgin Islands, consisting of St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croix and Water Island, have close to one-third of their population below the poverty level. While the U.S. economy grew at a record pace in the 1990s, contributing to the lowest child poverty rate in over 20 years, (2005 Poverty Rate = 35% US Census = 35 of every 1000 people are at poverty level) the economic conditions for children and families in the U.S. Virgin Islands continues to deteriorate. The percentage of children in families with incomes below the poverty line continues to increase. . The Virgin Islands has not established its literacy rate. Linkages can and have been made between the levels of education and the type of library service available to a community. Virgin Islands public libraries, under the current levels of funding and staffing continue to provide a minimal level of service only. The people of the Territory, however, particularly the young adults and children are targeted populations by default because they make up approximately 1/3 of the population. They require a highly proactive public library system, one focused on the planning, organizing implementation of services to meet their needs in the immediate and long term. All persons in the Territory, no matter the social or economic status, are served by the same public library system. LSTA funds are used to supplement the local government’s appropriations and allocations to its public libraries. LSTA funds fuel the initiatives necessary to provide the people of the territory with a level of library service that meets their needs. One program that assists community members utilize library services is Books on Wheels (It was originally Books in your neighborhood,we revamped program) Books on Wheels brought Literacy to our communities that have a hard time getting to library. Please remember we are still in recovery mode after two CAT 5 Hurricanes, funding just came online and restorations and repairs have finally begun.  Books on Wheels started in person and because of COVID 19 became Virtual and hybrid ( In person limited numbers and virtual) We partnered with The First Lady of The Virgin Islands, St.Croix Children's Museum, Government access channel, PBS and other groups doing book readings and Storytime for younger children. We brought our Bookmobile to various locations throughout St.Croix and had incredible events. On STT The Bookmobile is not working so, We had Storytime with Ms.Stephanie at various locations on Island, partnering with First Lady's office, Virgin Islands Children's Museum, Police project weed and seed to give example. 

State Goal: Information Access
Budget Information
Improve users' ability to converse in community conversations around topics of concern.
Reading Program (Not Summer Reading)
Outreach & Partnerships
Activity Details
Title: Books On Wheels
Narrative: Books on Wheels brings Library Services to Our Community. We used Virgin Island Holidays( To share history,heritage and culture) and COVID 19 as topics for book readings and programs. We had in person and Virtual programming so we were able to provide services even during lock down. We partnered with CDC and the did demonstrations on proper mask wearing, hand washing, sanitizing, social distancing before and after each event. We were happy to cross digital divide and stream events live to have broader reach. We also partnered with The St Croix Children's Museum, We are distributed backpacks filled with art supplies to children that attended program.  We also went to schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, Summer Camps, and low income housing communities. Children signed up for library cards and got excited to read books they chose from Bookmobile.  
Intent: Improve users' ability to converse in community conversations around topics of concern.

Activity: Content
Mode: Creation
Format: Combined physical & digital

Number of items digitized: 10
Number of items digitized and available to the public: 10
Number of physical items: 10
Number of open-source applications/software/systems: 0
Number of proprietary applications/software/systems: 0
Number of learning resources (e.g. toolkits, guides): 0
Number of plans/frameworks: 0

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: No
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: Yes
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: Yes
Specific Locations: No
Library Types
Public Libraries: 2
Academic Libraries: 0
Consortia: 0
Special Libraries: 0
School Libraries: 0
Other: 5
Question 1: I am satisfied that the resource is meeting library needs.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 2: Applying the resource will help improve library services to the public.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Project Outcomes
Project Outcomes
List any important outcomes or findings not previously reported:
This program has successfully engaged the community in literacy. It has also provided information about local Cultural traditions, history For example :The book James and The Fireburn is inspired by Caribbean History as well as the book Daniel and the 50th Emancipation Day. Everyone who participated learned and understood significant historical events. By learning our history we get to learn who we are. We also had community members sign up for library cards.
Please briefly describe the importance of these outcomes and findings for future program planning:
We have built the foundation for great programming. We keep engaging with new partners to bring literacy to our community.
Explain one or two of the most significant lessons learned for others wanting to adopt any facets of this project:
Lesson learned was about PROGRAM MARKETING. When Books in your neighborhood was introduced very little marketing was done if any. We had Professional Graphic designed marketing tools created and we made sure our community knew when ,where,why, and how. We got free advertisement on local radio and did strong social media campaign. We were and are successful. Plus the word of mouth exposure can't be beat,
Do you anticipate continuing this project after the current reporting period ends:
Do you anticipate any change in level of effort in managing this project:
We plan on developing a set route for our Book Mobiles in addition to the Books on Wheels and Storytime with Ms.Stephanie.
Do you anticipate changing the types of activities and objectives addressed by the project:

Was an evaluation conducted for this project:
Was a final written evaluation report produced:
Can the final written evaluation report be shared publicly on the IMLS website:
Was the evaluation conducted by project staff (either SLAA or local library) or by a third-party evaluator:
What data collection tools were used for any report outcomes and outputs:
Did you collect any media for the data:
What types of methods were used to analyze collected data:
How were participants (or items) selected:
What type of research design did you use to compare the value for any reported output or outcome:
Exemplary: No
Exemplary Narrative
Project Tags: