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G2S Project Code: 2020-WY-84916
State: Wyoming
Fiscal Year: 2020
Wyoming State Library

Project Director
Director Name: Jamie Markus
Director Phone: 307-777-5914
Director Email:
General Information
Title: Institution Library Services
State Project Code:
Start Date: 10/01/2019
End Date: 09/30/2021
Abstract: Wyoming’s 13 state institutions lack the resources, training support, staff, and organization needed to provide quality library services to their 2,700+ residents and inmates. No institutions have a professional librarian on staff and nearly all of the library managers have additional educational or activity responsibilities within their facilities. Due to the lack of resources for the residents and inmates at these institutions, the Wyoming State Library used LSTA funds to support material acquisition for their facilities. These subsidies were the primary source of collection funding for the libraries other than any gifts and donations provided to individual institutions.

State Goal: Resource Sharing
Budget Information
Improve users’ ability to obtain and/or use information resources.
Collection Development & Management
Activity Details
Title: Collection Development Subsidies

The Wyoming State Library awarded each Wyoming State Institution a library collection development subsidy to purchase materials for their residents and inmates.  Purchases included large print books, popular fiction, nonfiction, magazines, newspaper subscriptions, and audio-visual materials. Each institution received an award letter that gave details about the subsidy and how the money was to be used. The subsidies were deposited in individual accounts in the State Library’s Central Acquisitions program. Staff in that program provided ordering support and oversight of the subsidies. A librarian in the State Library’s Library Development Office worked with each institution to organize and develop their collection through regular phone calls, emails, and site visits.

Intent: Improve users’ ability to obtain and/or use information resources.

Activity: Content
Mode: Acquisition
Format: Physical

Number of hardware acquired: 41
Number of software acquired: 0
Number of licensed databases acquired: 0
Number of print materials (books & government documents) acquired: 1,451
Number of electronic materials acquired: 0
Number of audio/visual units (audio discs, talking books, other recordings) acquired: 58

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: No
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: Yes
Specific Locations: No
Library Types
Public Libraries: 0
Academic Libraries: 0
Consortia: 0
Special Libraries: 13
School Libraries: 0
Other: 0
Project Outcomes
Project Outcomes
List any important outcomes or findings not previously reported:
The institution library managers report that their services and/or collections would be cut without the stipend.
Please briefly describe the importance of these outcomes and findings for future program planning:
WSL will continue to provide collection stipends to all Wyoming Institutions.
Explain one or two of the most significant lessons learned for others wanting to adopt any facets of this project:
State Institutions, especially correctional facilities, have specific requirements for library material content and format. It is very helpful to talk about these requirements and how to meet them before assisting an institution with an order. With less experienced staff, institutions sometimes need assistance with collection development.
Do you anticipate continuing this project after the current reporting period ends:
Do you anticipate any change in level of effort in managing this project:

Do you anticipate changing the types of activities and objectives addressed by the project:

Was an evaluation conducted for this project:
Was a final written evaluation report produced:
Can the final written evaluation report be shared publicly on the IMLS website:
Was the evaluation conducted by project staff (either SLAA or local library) or by a third-party evaluator:
What data collection tools were used for any report outcomes and outputs:
Did you collect any media for the data:
What types of methods were used to analyze collected data:
How were participants (or items) selected:
What type of research design did you use to compare the value for any reported output or outcome:
Exemplary: No
Exemplary Narrative
Project Tags: State Institution, Collection Development