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G2S Project Code: 2020-MD-84514
State: Maryland
Fiscal Year: 2020
Maryland State Library Agency

Project Director
Director Name: Carrie Sanders
Director Phone: 667-219-4805
Director Email:
General Information
Title: Youth Services in Maryland Libraries
State Project Code: Subgrants
Start Date: 07/01/2020
End Date: 06/30/2021
Abstract: The Youth Services Coordinator (YSC) worked within the Public Libraries and State Networking Branch and collaborated at times with the state-funded Youth Librarian at Maryland's State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled. Both positions supported youth programming and staff training initiatives in Maryland's public libraries and facilitated statewide partnerships that benefit Maryland's youngest library patrons.

State Goal: Statewide Initiative: Lifelong Learning
Budget Information
Improve users' general knowledge and skills.
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)
Activity Details
Title: Youth Services Partnerships

The Youth Services Coordinator(YSC) for the Maryland State Library (MSL) participated in several statewide programs and partnerships to promote youth services amongst library staff. The Coordinator participated in statewide action groups, including the Family Engagement Coalition and the State Early Childhood Advisory Council, to help further awareness and action surrounding state early literacy initiatives. The Youth Services Coordinator also guided Maryland’s summer reading program; provided statewide trainings to Youth Services staff about YALSA Transforming Teen Topics (T3), STEM, LGBTQ+ services and media mentorship topics; and convened monthly meetings of the statewide library youth services coordinators to foster sharing, networking, and collaboration.

The Youth Services Coordinator contributed to the following partnerships which enhanced youth services programs throughout Maryland:

- YALSA - provided training on tween/middle school programming as well as “T3: Transforming Teen Services”  topics: Youth Development, Connected Learning, Computational Thinking, Educational Equity, and Guided Facilitation.

- Maryland Family Engagement Coalition - provided a public library perspective, MSL liaison

- Maryland Library Association - MSL liaison

- Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs - partnered with the Director of Advocacy & Outreach to provide a Summit about library services and programs for military-connected youth and military families

- Pure Play Everyday - served on their Advisory Council to help bring awareness of the importance of developmental play to families, including through library programming

- Maryland STEM Festival - MSL liaison

- New America (Washington, DC) - Coordinated with consultant, Lisa Guernsey, on a Maryland Media Mentorship Forum

- University of Maryland iSchool – co-led trainings on “Reimagining Library Services for Youth” and Safe Data | Safe Families projects

-NASA – served on the NASA @ MyLibrary Advisory Panel

- Cornerstones of Science -state library partner of the STEM Literacy Framework Laura Bush IMLS grant project


Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Other
Format: Other
Other: This project nurtured creative partnerships statewide


Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: Yes
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: Yes
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: Yes
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: Yes
Specific Locations: No
Library Types
Public Libraries: 24
Academic Libraries: 0
Consortia: 0
Special Libraries: 0
School Libraries: 0
Other: 3

Activity Details
Title: Summer Reading

The Youth Services Coordinator(YSC) coordinated Maryland Public Libraries' statewide, annual summer reading program as a member of the Collaborative Summer Library Program consortium(CSLP), individualized by county. The primary purpose of the program is to ensure that all Maryland students maintain grade level reading proficiency and engage in enriching learning opportunities during the summer months when school is not in session. 

Libraries followed the 2021 theme, “Tails and Tales" as they created their various reading and learning programs, by age. Traditional partnerships with the Baltimore Orioles and the Maryland Science Center did not occur again this summer, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Maryland Public Libraries forged many local partnerships to offer incentives to their participants or collaborated in creative summer reading program offerings held either outside or virtually, in the areas of art, STEM, music, and early literacy. Digital literacy skills were also fostered as library systems utilized various digital platforms for families to track their summer reading experiences and also accepted eBooks as a reading format. 

Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Other
Format: Other
Other: The summer reading program is a statewide partnership


Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: Yes
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: Yes
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: Yes
Specific Locations: No
Library Types
Public Libraries: 24
Academic Libraries: 0
Consortia: 0
Special Libraries: 0
School Libraries: 0
Other: 3

Activity Details
Title: Early Literacy and Family Engagement Education

The Youth Services Coordinator of the Maryland State Library provided opportunities for increased awareness and learning in the areas of early literacy and family engagement. The Coordinator participated as an active member of the state Family Engagement Coalition and partnered with MSDE and Betsy Diamant-Cohen, Mother Goose on the Loose, LLC, in the development of a new early literacy program for expectant and new families called “Hatchlings”. 

The Coordinator worked closely with New America consultant, Lisa Guernsey, and others to bring media mentorship, media literacy, and media equity awareness and training to MD youth librarians through a two-day Maryland Media Mentorship Forum and Workshop. 

Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Other
Format: Other
Other: This activity was a partnership between several organizations and included a book study


Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: Yes
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: Yes
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: Yes
Specific Locations: No
Library Types
Public Libraries: 24
Academic Libraries: 0
Consortia: 0
Special Libraries: 0
School Libraries: 0
Other: 3

Activity Details
Title: Teen Services and Technology Education

The Youth Services Coordinator of the Maryland State Library provided opportunities for increased awareness and learning in teen services and technology education. With a planning committee, the Coordinator coordinated a "Teen Connect" week-long virtual conference in April to support library staff as they re-engage with teens.  Library staff gained hands-on training in the use of Flop Balls and “Floposophy” to support teen programming surrounding mental and emotional health.

MSL was selected as one of three state library agencies as part of the Cornerstone of Science’s Laura Bush national STEM Equity Framework Project. The Coordinator also sits on the NASA @ My Library Advisory Panel to help inform professional development and program support for public library staff in the area of STEM programs and activities.

The Make-IT Place online digital maker space for public libraries, developed in partnership with the Maryland State Library and OER (Open Educational Resources), continued to be utilized by public library staff for STEM planning and staff STEM professional development. 

Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Other
Format: Other
Other: This activity incorporated in-person training and online training with a focus on better serving children and teens in libraries.


Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: Yes
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: Yes
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: Yes
Specific Locations: No
Library Types
Public Libraries: 24
Academic Libraries: 0
Consortia: 0
Special Libraries: 0
School Libraries: 0
Other: 3

Activity Details
Title: Career Pathways

Junior Achievement (JA) was a results-oriented agency whose scalable hands-on learning opportunities gave K-12 youth the chance to explore careers and understand the pathways to them. In partnership with the Baltimore County Public Library (BCPL) students were provided feedback for the librarian job description, designed and provided signage for the space, developed a giveaway from the library to students who attended Biztown, and provided Junior Achievement with ideas for how to get the public library student employees in Biztown engaged in the Biztown community’s economy. 
This grant provided important opportunities for students to learn more about how businesses and libraries work. BCPL hosted a table at the three-day Junior Achievement Inspire event for all Baltimore County 8th graders, and some parents. At this event, the library showcased what it means to be a modern-day librarian – including 3D printing and Virtual Reality not only to show them what skills and interests are needed to work as a librarian, but also to showcase what you can do if you come to a public library in Maryland. 

Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Program
Format: In-person
Other: This was an in-person and participatory workforce development project.

Session length (minutes): 270
Number of sessions in program: 2
Average number in attendance per session: 4,200
Number of times program administered: 2

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: Yes
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: Targeted
Geographic community of the targeted group: Urban
For what age groups: 6-12 years
13-17 years
18-25 years
For what economic types: Economic Not Applicable
For what ethnicity types: Ethnicity Not Applicable
Is the activity directed at families: No
Is the activity directed at intergenerational groups: No
Is the activity directed at immigrants/refugees: No
Is the activity directed at those with disabilities: No
Limited functional literacy or informational skills: No
Is the activity category not already captured: No

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Address: 320 YORK ROAD
State: MD
Zip: 21204
Question 1: I learned something by participating in this library activity.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 2: I feel more confident about what I just learned.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 3: I intend to apply what I just learned.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 4: I am more aware of resources and services provided by the library.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 5: I am more likely to use other library resources and services.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Activity Details
Title: Enrichment Zone
Narrative: Faced with lively teenagers at one of its branches, this grant provided funds for Allegheny County Library System to hire two part-time staff to engage the students after school. The teachers developed activities for the teens and their tween siblings that included art, music, homework help, mindful meditation, and a talent show.
Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Other
Format: In-person
Other: These activities were taught in-person


Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: Yes
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: Yes
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
State: MD
Zip: 21502

Activity Details
Title: Storywalk
Narrative: Cecil County Public Library created a storywalk in partnership with Cecil County Parks and Recreation. The storywalk was installed by Parks and Rec and included installations at the Calvert Regional Park and Brantwood Park. The first title for the new installation was The Home Builders by Varsha Bajaj.
Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Content
Mode: Other
Format: Physical
Other: This is a storywalk with 36 panels.


Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: Yes
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: Yes
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Address: 301 NEWARK AVENUE
State: MD
Zip: 21921

Activity Details
Title: Start Ready
Narrative: Start Ready was a program created by Howard County Public Library to focus on 322 students enrolled in the Head Start program. The program created core collections for 20 Head Start classrooms that were updated and refreshed regularly. Additionally, the program organized Parent Cafe workshops at local libraries to support engagement by teaching storytelling techniques, and sharing developmentally appropriate materials, programs, and services.
Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Content
Mode: Acquisition
Format: Physical

Number of hardware acquired: 0
Number of software acquired: 0
Number of licensed databases acquired: 0
Number of print materials (books & government documents) acquired: 850
Number of electronic materials acquired: 0
Number of audio/visual units (audio discs, talking books, other recordings) acquired: 0

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: Yes
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: Yes
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: Targeted
Geographic community of the targeted group: Urban
For what age groups: 0-5 years
For what economic types: Economic Not Applicable
For what ethnicity types: Ethnicity Not Applicable
Is the activity directed at families: Yes
Is the activity directed at intergenerational groups: No
Is the activity directed at immigrants/refugees: No
Is the activity directed at those with disabilities: No
Limited functional literacy or informational skills: No
Is the activity category not already captured: No

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Address: 9411 Frederick Road
State: MD
Zip: 21042

Activity Details
Title: Mathplosion
HCLS created a Mathplosion program to help middle and high school students succeed academically through new virtual HiTech math classes linked to library e-resources and support materials. HiTech is the Library’s award-winning STEM initiative that launched in 2013 and experienced 8,000 student registrations annually. In response to library closings, classes were taught online. Mathplosion expanded the online HiTech Math lab and offered an incremental math skills series in two sessions.

Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Program
Format: Virtual

Session length (minutes): 45
Number of sessions in program: 136
Average number in attendance per session: 45
Number of times program administered: 4

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: Yes
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: Yes
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: Targeted
Geographic community of the targeted group: Urban
For what age groups: 6-12 years
13-17 years
For what economic types: Economic Not Applicable
For what ethnicity types: Ethnicity Not Applicable
Is the activity directed at families: No
Is the activity directed at intergenerational groups: No
Is the activity directed at immigrants/refugees: No
Is the activity directed at those with disabilities: No
Limited functional literacy or informational skills: No
Is the activity category not already captured: No

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Address: 9411 Frederick Road
State: MD
Zip: 21042
Question 1: I learned something by participating in this library activity.
Strongly Agree: 19
Agree: 34
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 5
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 2: I feel more confident about what I just learned.
Strongly Agree: 16
Agree: 33
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 5
Disagree: 1
Strongly Disagree: 3
Non-Response: 0
Question 3: I intend to apply what I just learned.
Strongly Agree: 23
Agree: 25
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 4
Disagree: 1
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 5
Question 4: I am more aware of resources and services provided by the library.
Strongly Agree: 19
Agree: 26
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 6
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 1
Non-Response: 6
Question 5: I am more likely to use other library resources and services.
Strongly Agree: 17
Agree: 30
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 4
Disagree: 7
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Project Outcomes
Project Outcomes
List any important outcomes or findings not previously reported:
More than half of MD library systems saw a participation rate of over 50% of their registrants in their summer reading programs. Registration, as well as participation rates, doubled in summer reading programs from 2020. Library staff noted customer feedback that summer reading programs prompted more reading as a family and enjoyment of tracking progress and meeting program challenges. Customers also expressed appreciation for the return of in-person programming, (primarily outdoor), along with virtual programming and continued take-make kits, spurring family engagement and creativity. Despite continued programmatic challenges, due to COVID case surges and limiting health guidelines, Maryland libraries hosted over 112,000 Maryland youth at library summer programs, either at in-person programs, (held mostly outdoors), virtually, or in the community through outreach efforts. Libraries maintained their virtual presence as they hosted almost 2,500 programs (almost double what they offered in 2020) in addition to providing almost the same number of live programs. Libraries maintained and developed new community partnerships during this year where programming went outdoors to reach customers, including local museums, parks, and municipal spaces. These significant outreach efforts allowed Maryland libraries to achieve one of their intended outcomes of summer reading: engaging underserved populations. The evident strong participation by youth in summer reading programs, library summer programming, and library outreach programs signifies robust library engagement (our second intended outcome for summer reading) and sustained learning experiences.
Please briefly describe the importance of these outcomes and findings for future program planning:
As public libraries became creative and proficient providers of quality programming in a variety of settings (e.g. virtual, outdoor, hybrid) and initiators of community partnerships in order to provide unique program locations and content to their customers, public libraries enjoyed heightened attention and awareness by not only local education partners but also out-of-school content providers and organizations trying to reach various populations in their communities. The role public libraries played in family engagement during this extended challenging time also increased and is ripe for further exploration by libraries as they meet the needs not only of their existing customers but look to establish connections and serve those populations in their communities who could greatly benefit from the resources, services, and programs of the library but have not become customers yet.
Explain one or two of the most significant lessons learned for others wanting to adopt any facets of this project:
Partnerships continued development and cultivation through resumed in-person contact as well as through virtual meetings that offered increased access and availability for many. It is important for libraries to actively engage in conversation with their existing or newly established community partners to provide equitable, inclusive services to all families in their communities. It is also important for libraries to assess their existent staff capacity, space, resources, and programs as they strive to meet community needs and provide equitable services for youth and families.
Do you anticipate continuing this project after the current reporting period ends:
Do you anticipate any change in level of effort in managing this project:

Do you anticipate changing the types of activities and objectives addressed by the project:

Was an evaluation conducted for this project:
Was a final written evaluation report produced:
Can the final written evaluation report be shared publicly on the IMLS website:
Was the evaluation conducted by project staff (either SLAA or local library) or by a third-party evaluator:
What data collection tools were used for any report outcomes and outputs:
Did you collect any media for the data:
What types of methods were used to analyze collected data:
How were participants (or items) selected:
What type of research design did you use to compare the value for any reported output or outcome:
Exemplary: Yes
Exemplary Narrative
Project Tags: Family Engagement, STEM, Technology