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G2S Project Code: 2019-NV-83792
State: Nevada
Fiscal Year: 2019
White Pine County Library

Project Director
Director Name: Lori Romero
Director Phone: 775-293-6900
Director Email:
General Information
Title: Thinking, Writing, Making
State Project Code: 19-10
Start Date: 07/01/2019
End Date: 07/31/2020
Abstract: We are a rural isolated community, so our focus is to introduce arts, culture and STEAM to our local children. This grant provided White Pine County Library with the opportunity to enhance lifelong learning to the residents of all ages through programming and by expanding the coding class. Due to our isolated rural area, many residents do not get the chance to visit the city to experience the many things available to individuals. So we strive to bring some of that experience to the community by means of programs (storytelling, music, puppetry, writing, educational, story hour, after school programs) and offer of a weekly coding class with 3D printing.
Project partner: Robinson Nevada Mining

State Goal: Goal 3: Nevada libraries will provide responsive and accessible learning environments that meet the needs of all Nevada residents
Budget Information
Improve users' general knowledge and skills.
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)
Activity Details
Title: Grab & Go STEAM
Narrative: Grab and Go STEAM kits were created in response to COVID health and safety protocols when in-person programs weren't possible. Staff created 35 different STEAM activity kits. Each kit came with books. The children gained confidence, became excited about the books and project, and developed a love of science/art. Three hundred and six kits were checked out by approximately 60 families.
Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Content
Mode: Creation
Format: Physical

Number of items digitized: 0
Number of items digitized and available to the public: 0
Number of physical items: 35
Number of open-source applications/software/systems: 0
Number of proprietary applications/software/systems: 0
Number of learning resources (e.g. toolkits, guides): 0
Number of plans/frameworks: 0

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: No
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: Targeted
Geographic community of the targeted group: Rural
For what age groups: 0-5 years
6-12 years
For what economic types: Economic Not Applicable
For what ethnicity types: Ethnicity Not Applicable
Is the activity directed at families: Yes
Is the activity directed at intergenerational groups: No
Is the activity directed at immigrants/refugees: No
Is the activity directed at those with disabilities: No
Limited functional literacy or informational skills: No
Is the activity category not already captured: No

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Name: White Pine County Library
Address: 950 Campton St.
City: Ely
State: NV
Zip: 89301

Activity Details
Title: Writing and Poetry Workshops
Narrative: A writing workshop was held on March 13, 2020 with 16 attendees of all ages. Focus was on writing styles for poems. A virtual poetry contest was held for the students to present their works. Participants (33) and library staff gained knowledge and improved skills in virtual presenting. The annual poetry contest was held virtually, and this was a big learning experience. There were challenges with different kinds of devices used and software.

Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Program
Format: Combined in-person & virtual

Session length (minutes): 60
Number of sessions in program: 2
Average number in attendance per session: 25
Number of times program administered: 1

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: No
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Name: White Pine County Library
Address: 950 Campton St.
City: Ely
State: NV
Zip: 89301
Question 1: I learned something by participating in this library activity.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 2: I feel more confident about what I just learned.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 3: I intend to apply what I just learned.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 4: I am more aware of resources and services provided by the library.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Question 5: I am more likely to use other library resources and services.
Strongly Agree: 0
Agree: 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree: 0
Disagree: 0
Strongly Disagree: 0
Non-Response: 0
Activity Details
Title: Library Presentations
Narrative: In-person presentations included Parade of Raptors (50 participants) and a Marionette Show (68 participants). Participants gained self confidence, improved reading & writing skills, and learned various ways of expressing themselves or telling a story.

Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Presentation/performance
Format: In-person

Presentation/performance length (minutes): 60
Number of presentations/performances administered: 2
Average number in attendance per session: 59

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: No
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Name: White Pine County Library
Address: 950 Campton St.
City: Ely
State: NV
Zip: 89301

Activity Details
Title: Coding and STEAM
Narrative: The library had the pleasure of introducing the community to 3D printing and coding to participants of all ages. The Makerspace Crate of Coding was available October through December 2019. All participants enjoyed "Dash" the robot. At one point he was coded to sing happy birthday to one of the participants! The participants were just getting to understand coding of Dash when it was time for him to return home in the crate. So we purchased our own Dash! Monsterbots were built, and contests were held to see which monsterbots could do what tricks. Wednesday NCLab coding classes were held using the 4 project laptops and 3D pen, plus the 3D printer. Four regular participants and three new participants were meeting on Wednesday evenings until COVID. Coding program participants acquired skills, creativity, problem solving.
Virtual Programs: when in-person programs were cancelled, we had Absolute Science provide 13 virtual shows that could be viewed anytime. 

Intent: Improve users' general knowledge and skills.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Consultation/drop-in/referral
Format: Combined in-person & virtual

Total number of consultation/reference transactions: 180
Average number of consultation/reference transactions per month: 30

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: No
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: General

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Name: White Pine County Library
Address: 950 Campton St.
City: Ely
State: NV
Zip: 89301
Project Outcomes
Project Outcomes
List any important outcomes or findings not previously reported:
Intended Outcomes: Adults and children will have increased skills and knowledge for expressing themselves; Adults will read to children more often; Adults and children will gain knowledge, skills, creativity with coding, 3D printing and using the 3D pen. We wanted individuals to experiment with different ways to learn. Participants gained self confidence, acquired new skills, improved reading and writing skills, learned various ways of expressing themselves and telling a story. Coding program participants learned computational thinking and acquired skills, including creativity and problem solving, and learned to use the 3D printer and pen which could lead to a career choice. Moving everything to virtual proved challenging to staff and program participants, especially with all of the different types of devices and software available. However, participants and library staff gained knowledge and improved skills in virtual presenting and virtual learning. The annual poetry contest was held virtually and this was a big learning experience. There were challenges with different kinds of devices and software used. Participants of the "Grab & Go" STEAM activity kits gained and increased skills in science, technology, engineering, art and math.
Please briefly describe the importance of these outcomes and findings for future program planning:
White Pine County is located in rural Eastern Nevada with the closest town/city 190 miles one-way. All other cities are 220 plus miles away. This distance hinders access to arts and cultural venues. Exposure to different art, storytelling, music, puppetry, story hour programs, writing and coding encouraged participants to create, educate, build new skills, and increase knowledge and personal development. We wanted to bring art, culture and other programming to our community to help participants continue along the lifelong learning path.
Explain one or two of the most significant lessons learned for others wanting to adopt any facets of this project:
Grab & Go" STEAM activity kits were extremely popular with families; they had everything needed at their finger tips to complete a project together.
Do you anticipate continuing this project after the current reporting period ends:
Do you anticipate any change in level of effort in managing this project:

Do you anticipate changing the types of activities and objectives addressed by the project:

Was an evaluation conducted for this project:
Was a final written evaluation report produced:
Can the final written evaluation report be shared publicly on the IMLS website:
Was the evaluation conducted by project staff (either SLAA or local library) or by a third-party evaluator:
What data collection tools were used for any report outcomes and outputs:
Did you collect any media for the data:
What types of methods were used to analyze collected data:
How were participants (or items) selected:
What type of research design did you use to compare the value for any reported output or outcome:
Exemplary: No
Exemplary Narrative
Project Tags: