Beaver County Library System (BCLS) facilitates access to a shared Integrated Library System (ILS) that responds to the needs of our libraries and the public. BCLS has upgraded its ILS software platform from Millennium to Sierra with its current ILS vendor, Innovative Interfaces (III).
To prepare for the migration, member library staff weeded and took inventory of their collections. BCLS staff cleaned up the Millennium database by deleting withdrawn materials, duplicate records, fixing incorrect records to improve the integrity of the catalog, and subsequently improving staff and patron's search results.
Upgrading to the Sierra platform was an easy transition for library staff as Sierra is very similar to Millennium and minimal training has been needed since. There was no disruption to staff or patrons. Since using the Sierra system, staff have commented that the system is easy to use and they like the functionality. Fliers were posted at each library site alerting patrons of the transition to Sierra and asking their patience as staff adjusted; included on the flier was the fact that the LSTA grant made this all possible.
In addition to an established email notification process, BCLS purchased the Teleforms system which notifies patrons by telephone that materials they ordered are ready for pickup and notifies them of any overdue items. The Teleforms system will save staff time, reduce costs associated with sending out print notices, and improve the overall patron experience.