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G2S Project Code: 2014-PA-73016
State: Pennsylvania
Fiscal Year: 2014
Central Columbia Elementary School

Project Director
Director Name: Sonya Smith
Director Phone: (570) 784-2850
Director Email:
General Information
Title: Delivering Digital Access
State Project Code: 4100069298
Start Date: 01/15/2015
End Date: 08/31/2015

The "Delivering Digital Access" project was designed to provide digital access to district school students through the purchase and use of iPad minis.  It was hoped that our struggling learners and most economically challenged students would be excited to have opportunities to interact with the iPads, leading to increases in their academic success.

State Goal: Create opportunities for libraries to enhance their capacity to provide 21st Century resources, services and programs to their communities.
Budget Information
Improve users' formal education.
Curriculum support
Digital Literacy
Activity Details
Title: Acquire a set of iPad minis
Narrative: Acquire iPad minis and apps for use by students in classrooms and at home.
Intent: Improve users' formal education.

Activity: Content
Mode: Acquisition
Format: Physical

Number of hardware acquired: 45
Number of software acquired: 0
Number of licensed databases acquired: 0
Number of print materials (books & government documents) acquired: 0
Number of electronic materials acquired: 0
Number of audio/visual units (audio discs, talking books, other recordings) acquired: 0

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: No
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: Targeted
Geographic community of the targeted group: Rural
For what age groups: 6-12 years
For what economic types: Economic Not Applicable
For what ethnicity types: Ethnicity Not Applicable
Is the activity directed at families: Yes
Is the activity directed at intergenerational groups: No
Is the activity directed at immigrants/refugees: No
Is the activity directed at those with disabilities: No
Limited functional literacy or informational skills: No
Is the activity category not already captured: No

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Name: Central Columbia Elementary School
Address: 4777 Old Berwick Road
City: Bloomsburg
State: PA
Zip: 17815

Activity Details
Title: Instruction using iPad minis
Narrative: The librarian provided explicit instruction on using the e-books available for students to use on the iPad minis.  Third and fourth graders also used the iPads to study the annual Iditarod Race. 
Intent: Improve users' formal education.

Activity: Instruction
Mode: Program
Format: In-person

Session length (minutes): 40
Number of sessions in program: 3
Average number in attendance per session: 25
Number of times program administered: 0

Partner Information
Organization Type of Partner Organization(s):
Libraries: No
Historical Societies or Organizations: No
Museums: No
Archives: No
Cultural Heritage Organization Multi-type: No
Preschools: No
Schools: No
Adult Education: No
Human Service Organizations: No
Other: No

Legal Type of Partner Organization(s):
Federal Government: No
State Government: No
Local Government (excluding school districts): No
School District: No
Non-Profit: No
Private Sector: No
Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization: No

Is the activity directed at the library workforce: No
For a targeted group or for the general population: Targeted
Geographic community of the targeted group: Rural
For what age groups: 6-12 years
For what economic types: Economic Not Applicable
For what ethnicity types: Ethnicity Not Applicable
Is the activity directed at families: No
Is the activity directed at intergenerational groups: No
Is the activity directed at immigrants/refugees: No
Is the activity directed at those with disabilities: No
Limited functional literacy or informational skills: No
Is the activity category not already captured: No

Is the activity state-wide: No
Specific Locations: Yes
Name: Central Columbia Elementary School
Address: 4777 Old Berwick Road
City: Bloomsburg
State: PA
Zip: 17815
Project Outcomes
Project Outcomes
List any important findings or outcomes from your project:
There was insufficient time during the grant period to provide outcomes.
Please briefly describe importance of findings:

What methods did you use to determine your findings? Check all that apply:
Participant Observation
Based on outputs, outcomes and/or other results, explain any significant lessons learned from these findings for either the SLAA or others in the LIS field:

Do you anticipate continuing this project after the current reporting period ends:
Do you anticipate any change in level of effort:
Do you anticipate any change in the project's scope:
Yes: It has been decided that the 4th graders will move to a one-to-one ipad environment in late December.
Do you anticipate any other changes in the project:
Exemplary: No
Exemplary Narrative
Project Tags: Digitial Literacy, Tablets